
“Friendly staff at your service 24 hours a day” Suite Hotel Merlot offers a large range of services to make your stay comfortable and enjoyable. Some services are provided for in a standard manner, and some upon request. They are divided to; in-house hotel services; and adjoining facilities:


Private underground parking, and a direct elevator to desired floor - off-street parking is also available. Tour bookings. Restaurant bookings. Public Telephone. Dry Cleaning. Facsimile. Internet Access. Stairs. Modern Elevators. 24-hour Room Service. Conference Room. Free Tourist Map. Meeting room. Public Toilets. Lounge and Restaurant. Housekeeping. Laundry Service.

Business Centre. Car Rental. Money exchange. Tours and ticketing. Airport pick-up and drop-off. Flight confirmation. Hair Dresser (upon request). Beautician (upon request). Babysitting (upon request). In-Suites Services Remote Television. Refrigerator. TV / Satellite. Independent heating and cooling system. Hairdryers (upon request). Microwave (upon request). Iron & Board (upon request).


The Suite Hotel Chrome is part of a large shopping complex and sits within a busy business area. Various services are within walking distance. Our friendly and multilingual staff is more than happy to assist you in finding everything you need. The following is a list of some of the outlets available in the adjoining shopping complex:

Arts & Crafts. Photography. Florist. Mobile Phones. Hair Dresser. Laundry. Fashion. Take-away food. Gymnasium.

Grocery Store. News Agent. Post office box Pharmacy. Supermarket. Beauty Salon. Car Rental. Jewelry Store.